We understand that child labour is deeply rooted within a wider network of social issues. That is why it requires a systemic-thinking approach to achieve its short- and long-term resolution.
For our international program, we conduct 3-5 year projects in rural communities to withdraw all children from child labour and protect them from exploitation. We achieve this by supporting the children's education, improving their families' incomes and engaging and mobilizing the wider community to independently protect the rights of children and youth in their villages following completion of the project. We return to the communities regularly to conduct follow-up assessments.

Our SMILE Ghana community project withdraws children from labour in cacao farms and supports their education, their family's income generation, & their community's sustainability.
We collaborate corporations and with the Ghanian government to establish a national framework of Child Labour Free Zones (CLFZs).
Our PEACE India community project withdraws children from labour in the cotton fields and supports their education, their family's incomes and change their communities attitude towards child labour. We establish child labour monitoring and child rights protection forums, training local villagers to continue activities after project completion.

We conduct research on social issues that deprive children and young people of their rights, we disseminate the information with the general public and make policy recommendations to governments. In particular, we focus on advocacy for policy formulation and reform to achieve SDG 8.7, which includes the the elimination of child labour by 2025, both domestically and internationally.
We cannot resolve the issue of child labour alone, as an individual person, organization or country. However, as individuals, we can work with others in Japan and across the globe, to eliminate one of the worst forms of social injustice. This requires us to expose and explain the exploitation of children hidden along the supply chain, and act as an amplifier of the voices of the most vulnerable across the globe.
Employees, consumers, investors are taking notice and demanding action. The business world cannot stay indifferent to labour rights violations in their supply chains. Child labour is one of the major violations of labour rights and resolving the exploitation of children is a matter of sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and mitigating risk to brand value.

We support companies increase internal capability to identify human rights risks in their supply chain by leveraging our field experience, as well as expertise acquired through the SA 8000 social audit basic training course on labour and human rights. We also collaborate with larger consulting firms such as Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Japan to conduct social audits.