We use our 20+years of field experience and professional expertise resolving child labour issues in Asia and Africa to help our clients in Japan solve human rights issues in their supply chains.
We currently have 5 staff members who have completed SA 8000 social audit basic training, the international standard on labour and human rights.
As part of your corporate social contribution programs, please consider donating to us.
You can choose to donate to our specific projects in India or Ghana, our social business or advocacy programs or simply support our overall mission to eliminate and prevent child labour across the globe.
Currently, approximately 30 companies and organizations are ACE corporate members. Since 2017, we have held an exchange salon about once every three to four months to exchange information and foster dialogue on how to improve CSR activities.
Click here for more information.
We support human resource development and increasing employee awareness of ethical business and human rights. Whilst organizations can have a hard-working CSR team onsite, increasing employee engagement can be difficult mission. We offer specialized sessions for the HR, CSR and procurement departments as well as general employees.
We offer management training to establish or reinforce internal training systems to better identify and eliminate human rights risks and violations in their own supply chain and assess possible responses.
For employees, we offer workshops on shared corporate value, how to discuss social responsibility issues internally and effectively disseminate information to others.
These services are currently only available in Japan.
We support companies identify human rights risks in supply chains by leveraging our experience implementing projects in Asia and Africa (aimed at eliminating and preventing child labour), as well as expertise acquired through the SA 8000 social auditor certification on labour and human rights. We also collaborate with consulting firms such as Deloitte Tohmatsu to conduct social audits according to the ASC certification, an eco-certification of aquaculture products.
ACE currently has 5 staff members (as of April 2020) who have completed the SA 8000 social auditor basic training course.
We support companies in the development of ethically-procured products. We provide PR advice regarding the ethical fashion consumer market; specifically, we have collaborated with businesses on cause-related marketing and CSV efforts, such as the development of products made from raw materials sourced child labour-free, e.g. cocoa and cotton.
We have a strong track record for supporting the launch of CSV businesses, which build relationships between Japanese consumers and consumers in developing countries to bring them together for future development.
ESG investment is growing globally.
Companies can be excluded from the market if they ignore human rights issues in their supply chain.
Responding to human rights issues requires a new way of thinking not only in terms of social responsibility and costs, but also in terms of CSV (Created Shared Value) to strengthen business competitiveness and expand in new markets.
ACE supports companies solve their business and human rights issues, collaborate to create greater social impact, and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
Case Study 1: Child Labour-Free Cocoa from Ghana
Since 2009, ACE has been operating the SMILE Ghana Community Project in 10 communities in the Ashanti region of Ghana. As of March 2019, we have collaborated with 20 corporations on 81 products.
Case Study 2: Transforming Farms into Organic Farms for Sustainable Impact
Since 2010, ACE has been implementing the PEACE India Community project in 3 communities in the Telangana State of India. ACE is working with Japanese wholesaler KOWA to help cotton farmers from the project area to transition to organic farming. We aim to produce goods out of the raw organic cotton, which will then be used to fund future community projects.
The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in an initiative aimed at creating a global framework of companies and organizations which are striving to achieve sustainable growth, and exhibiting responsible and creative leadership. The Global Compact Network Japan is constituted of numerous subcommittees whose purpose it to share best practices, and work together to optimize and maximize CSR activities. ACE actively participates in several subcommittees include the supply chain committee.
We work closely with the WCF and CLCCG for our Chocolate Project to leverage our expertise in and expand are network for cross-sector collaboration.
We collaborate with Textile Exchange (an organization based in the US with the aim of promoting a sustainable textile industry) and the US Department of Labor. The USDOL collects information on child labour and forced labour at a global scale, conducting in-depth analysis and publishing reports on an annual basis.